Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It is not hot, it's humid!

I admit it. We are complete beach addicts. Seriously... addicted. We can't help ourselves. A free afternoon must be spent with toes in the water, ass in the sand. The He and I have been teaching the Three Shes to boogie board. It's amazing that the most uncoordinated She of the three happens to be the best boogie boarder!

True Story: I hate the beach. A lot. In fact, when I was a teenager, I ruined more than one (seven, at least) family vacation by pouting on the back of my mom's car and refusing to touch even one toe to the sand. South Carolina sand is MUCH different than Texas sand. It just brushes off. I heart that.

Anyway, I reckon that explains my absence. Because, you know, I'm such a regular and dedicated blogger and all.

Happy 100% Humidity, yall!

P.S: You noticed I learned how to post pictures? Yay me!

P.S. # 2: I'm totally abandoning my previous series of posts. Just know that we are all 100% better and improving every single day. Our family, Me, The He and Three Shes are all doing marvelously and thriving in SC. :)